20 km


Sunday, June 30


See you in

MB FTT - course pour personnes à mobilité réduite

The race for people with reduced mobility!

The race in a nutshell

Because it’s important to us to share our passion for cycling with as many people as possible, in 2023 we launched the MB FTT in collaboration with the Comité Handisport de Haute Savoie and Loisirs Assis Evasion. This tour is designed for people with reduced mobility who use electric all-terrain wheelchairs on a 20 km course with 800 m D+!

The aim is to promote this discipline and enable as many people as possible to take part in the MB Race!

To register for this event, contact the Comité Handisport de la Haute-Savoie.

All you have to know

Practical info


coming soon


Start from Combloux at 9:15 a.m .

Rider confirmation

coming soon


Finish in Megève

Registration fees

25 € + administration fee To register, please contact the Comité Handisport de Haute-Savoie here

Before registering

  • Race participation fee
  • Refreshments at various points along the route
  • Welcome pack: program and goodies from our sponsors
  • MB Race T-shirt
  • Digital photo offered by the organizer
  • Post-race meal
  • Free access to entertainment

A rigid helmet with chinstrap must be worn throughout the race. For safety reasons, the following equipment is strongly recommended:

  • a survival blanket,
  • a cell phone, with charged battery
  • emergency telephone card (supplied by the organizers)
  • repair equipment,
  • beverages
  • food reserve
  • a cup for feed stations


Images of the race